Tuesday, September 22, 2015

All About Colors

Color Words

In HTML it can recognize words as colors like if you type in blue it will accept that. There are many weird colors as well like papaya whip. So just about any color name that you can think of you can type in for the color.


Hexadecimal color code is represented as #000000. The first 2 representing Red the middle representing Green and the far most right 2 representing Blue. #000000 is black while #FFFFFF is white. The numbers can be anywhere between 1-9 and A-F, A being like the number 10, B being 11 etc. Depending on how high each set is is how much of the color is present.


RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue just like in Hexadecimal but it is a little different. RGB has 3 different numbers representing Red, Green, and Blue respectfully. The number can range from 0-255 and the code looks like (0,0,0). In RGBA the A stands for Alpha which effects the transparency of the color going from 0-1. 0 being completely transparent and 1 being completely opaque.
In conclusion, you can put colors in HTML a variety of ways and they all have their ups and downs. You can use whichever you prefer when making a webpage.

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