"Creative Anarchy at Its Very Best"
This article is about design and creative ideas. It tells how design has rules and you need to break those rules. The author argues that you need to break the rules and take risks in order to make you art stand out. Don't just do what everyone else is doing try something different. A strength of the article is that it is inspiring and can get you thinking about things you may not have thought about before. A weakness is that it does not have much information regarding the subject. The general conclusion is that you have to take risks, know your stuff, keep learning, and break the rules. I think that the article is interesting because i never thought about breaking rules when I am designing. The author does not really support their argument with much information just a lot of claims and opinions. There is not much evidence in the article. Things that help me are when it talked about taking risks. Something i don't understand are the rules. What are the rules exactly? I thought that this was interesting to read but I thought it was not very informative.